
FluidSIM is comprehensive software for creating, simulating, teaching and learning electropneumatic, electrohydraulic, digital and electronic circuits. The various program functions mesh seamlessly and link different media and sources of knowledge. FluidSIM combines an intuitive circuit diagram editor with detailed descriptions of all components, component photos, sectional view animations and video sequences. The simulation software is ideal for preparing lessons, for use in lessons and for independent learning.


Topic Coverage


  • Pneumatics/Electropneumatics
  • Closed-loop pneumatics
  • Vacuum technique
  • Electrical controls
  • Digital technology


  • Hydraulics/Electrohydraulics
  • Closed-loop hydraulics/Proportional hydraulics
  • Mobile hydraulics
  • Electrical controls
  • Digital technology

Electrical engineering

  • Electrical engineering (AC/DC)
  • Electrical controls
  • Electrical machines
  • Electronics
  • Closed-loop control
  • Automotive technology
  • Extended digital technology
  • GRAFCET (EN 60848)


  • Access to extensive libraries – FluidSIM has a large number of pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical engineering, electronic and digital components that are contained in libraries. The libraries are constantly being improved and enriched.
  • Run interactive simulations – FluidSIM enables the interactive simulation of self-created circuits. It is not only possible to calculate status changes and switching processes, users can also actively intervene and operate switches or switch over valves, and directly identify the resulting effects. FluidSIM reacts immediately to these changed systems and simulates the new conditions.
  • Effective and varied lessons – FluidSIM offers a wealth of texts, images, training films and presentations to ensure that the lessons are varied and multimedia-based. Additionally, creativity is promoted as users are able to freely design control systems.
  • Flexible licensing – FluidSIM offers a flexible usage option for local installations, network licenses or home applications. Create groups, set passwords, set expiration dates and more at any time with FluidSIM’s license manager and activation wizard.