The GT-2500 Sustainable Conservation Technology Panel provides students an introductory hands-on interactive experience with multiple energy design, monitoring and auditing processes and technologies. As important as generating power and energy can be, it is equally important to understand how we can conserve and improve upon our current processes. With identification and analysis techniques learned throughout the course, students will understand how new techniques such as LEED design are improving the efficiency of our energy usage.
What’s Included
GT-2500 Sustainable Conservation Technology Panel (Requires PC Workstation Computers)
Instructor’s Guide with PowerPoint Presentation Media (1 Per Classroom)
GT-250 Sustainable Conservation Text and Lab Guide
GT-250SC SCADA Package
Topic Coverage
The Marcraft Cybersecurity Essentials Certification Course covers these topics:
Energy Auditing
Measuring Electrical Consumption of Devices
Calculating Electrical Loads
Implementing Power Saving Options
Evaluating Insulation Values
Environmental Monitoring
Gathering Data with Portable Datalogger
Evaluating Soil and Water as Insulation
Charting Temperature Changes Throughout a Structure with Different Insulation and Heating
Sustainable Architecture
Structural Building Components’ Affect on Energy Consumption
Planning Sustainable Buildings
Passive Solar Lighting and